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This policy pertains to standing, college-wide committees and councils. The existence of these
bodies does not preclude the creation of temporary committees, working groups, or teams within
or among departments and divisions.

Please refer to committee membership for individual members.

  1. Academic Appeals and Misconduct Committee
    Hears appeals from students who have been charged with academic misconduct by an
    instructor or a student appeal of a course grade. Upon student appeal, this committee
    reviews evidence provided by the academic dean and the student and either upholds
    or overturns the sanction imposed by the instructor. The committee is composed of
    five faculty members, who serve two-year terms, and two students, nominated by the
    Dean of Students or designee. Committee members are appointed by the president. If
    any member of the Academic Misconduct Appeals Committee is involved in a case
    presented to this group, he or she will be replaced by another member of his or her
    respective representative group. Should an appeal occur when classes are not in
    session and/or a committee member(s) is (are) not available to participate, the
    president will appoint an alternate committee member(s) on an ad hoc basis.
  2. Academic Leadership Team
    Academic Leadership Team functions as the staff meeting for the vice president of
    Academic Affairs. Composed of academic deans, assistant vice presidents of
    Academic Affairs, director of Distance Education, director of Quality Enhancement
    Program (QEP), faculty senate president and director of the Pellissippi Academic
    Center for Excellence. Discusses and makes recommendations to the vice president
    regarding topics relevant to functioning of the academic departments, including
    curriculum, scheduling, hiring of faculty, student perception of instruction, allocation
    of academic spaces, professional development, and review of policies.
  3. Accessible Informational Materials & Technologies Committee
    The Accessible Information Materials and Technology (AIMT) Committee provides
    advocacy, promotion, and training to faculty and staff to assist the institution in
    meeting best practices and standards. The AIMT Committee oversees the creation and
    implementation of the Accessible Informational Materials and Technology Plan
    (AIMT Plan) and is responsible for establishing institutional standards for AIMT
    compliance. Additionally, the AIMT Committee will take the lead in administering
    Academic Audits and Reviews as requested by the College.
  4. ADA Advisory Committee
    Advises and makes recommendations regarding matters of concern to persons with
    disabilities on campus to ensure equal access and opportunity. Assesses needs and
    plans for faculty development related to disabilities. Provides a forum for students
    with disabilities to share their needs so they will be enabled to function as
    independently as possible. Identifies and advocates for changes in college policies
    and procedures relative to persons with disabilities as needed.
  5. Administrative Council
    Composed of the administrative staff of the College except for the president and vice
    presidents. Primary responsibilities include reviewing and recommending policies
    and establishing procedures and processes to improve overall
    administration/operation of Pellissippi State. Provides input on special initiatives,
    budget priorities, goals, and other activities relating to the mission of the College and
    makes recommendations to the president and president’s staff.
  6. Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)
    Assists in providing a safe academic environment for faculty, staff and students.
    Representing a cross section of college departments, the BIT is not punitive and is not
    a disciplinary board but rather serves as the central point of contact for threat
    assessments. Responds to reports of disruptive, problematic or concerning behavior or
    misconduct; conducts an investigation; performs a threat assessment; determines the
    best mechanisms for support, intervention, warning/notification and response; then
    deploys appropriate college and community resources and coordinates follow-up. The
    team also identifies patterns of concern for a student or group of students across all
    campuses. Committee will report annually to the senior staff.
  7. Bias Education Referral Team
    Provides assistance to individuals harmed and will proactively address instances of
    hate and bias for faculty, staff and students. Responsibilities include; collecting
    incident details, developing a plan of action; meeting with all parties affected by an
    incident, developing a bias communications plan, making appropriate referrals for
    support, and maintaining documentation. BERT is not a disciplinary committee. The
    committee generates referrals to campus departments to review for policy violations.
  8. Career Program Assessment Committee
    Career Program Assessment is a standing committee charged with providing guidance
    and ensuring the quality of the assessment processes of the College’s two-year degree
    programs. Responsibilities include review assessment reports from each program as
    scheduled, recommending revision and/or approval before the reports are submitted;
    establish processes for new assessment proposals; review new assessment proposals
    and recommend changes when necessary; and establish and maintain resources
    regarding assessment and best practices/examples.
  9. Conflict of Interest Committee
    Reviews disclosures made under Section 8 of TBR Policy No. 1:02:03:10 Conflict of
    Interest. The committee evaluates conflict of interest disclosures and makes
    determinations regarding actions that may be required to manage, reduce or eliminate
    conflicts of interest. Written minutes forwarded to the senior staff.
  10. Consumer Information Committee
    The Consumer Information Committee meets periodically (typically twice a year) to ensure
    student consumer information is up-to-date and meets federal regulatory requirements. It
    includes a member from each of the following departments or roles: Financial Aid, Webmaster,
    Student Account Services, Registrar/Records, Career Development, Police, and Athletics.
  11. Critical Incident Management Team
    Ensuring that the College can operate effectively in the event of a crisis, a Critical
    Incident Management Team (CIMT) convenes to determine the course of action to be
    taken. The Chief of Police leads this team. The composition of the Critical Incident
    Management Team can vary, depending upon the type of crisis and which division or
    area of the College it involves. However, the core of the team remains the same and
    includes the following members: president, vice presidents, director of Facilities,
    Chief of Police, manager of Environment Health & Safety, director of Marketing and
    Communications, executive director of Economic and Workforce Development, and
    site campus deans. Various college personnel may be called upon to serve as
    members of the CIMT, depending upon the situation. The Chief of Police, in
    coordination with the president, will designate additional members of the CIMT as it
    is deemed necessary.
  12. Cultural Engagement & Inclusion Committee
    The mission of the Cultural Engagement & Inclusion (CE & I) Committee is to
    coordinate and enhance the campus wide cultural engagement and inclusion efforts.
    Spearheaded by the Coordinator, Cultural Engagement & Inclusion, and in
    partnership with faculty, staff, and students who plan educationally enriching cultural
    events, the main purpose of this committee is to amplify four (4) of our six (6) core
    values: Community & Civic Engagement, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,
    Excellence, and Relationships, towards our strategic initiative to instill a sense of
    belonging in all students and employees. The CE & I Committee helps celebrate and
    educate Pellissippi State about cultural and intellectual diversity, which makes the
    college stronger and advances the mission of closing equity gaps. Reporting to the
    office of Equity & Compliance and appointed by the President, the committee is
    comprised of representatives from pre-established committees, departments, and
    groups doing similar work.
  13. Curriculum Development Committee
    Recommends new policies or courses of action related to educational programs.
    Encourages proposals for innovative curricula and new programs designed to meet
    the needs of the service area. Reviews new curricula, new programs, or substantive
    changes in existing curricula and programs. Supports and monitors the curriculum
    process. Two representatives from each academic department serve two year terms,
    and the committee chair is a faculty member.
  14. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Committee The
    mission of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Committee is to
    educate, advocate, engage, and empower the Pellissippi State community by
    cultivating partnerships and resources to create and sustain an environment that is
    inclusive, equitable, diverse, and accessible.
  15. Employee Recognition Committee
    Oversees faculty/staff awards process to include recognition of retirees, years of
    service, foundation awards, and all other forms of formal recognition. Initiates and
    oversees nominations and selection process. Regularly reviews and revises processes
    and awards criteria. Coordinates on-campus celebrations and entertainment.
  16. Faculty Development Committee
    Develops and supports professional development programs for full-time and adjunct
    faculty and provides opportunities and resources for faculty enrichment across the
    College. The committee’s goal is to improve the quality of instruction and promote
    overall faculty excellence in accordance with the current strategic plan. This
    committee plans and makes recommendations to the vice president of Academic
    Affairs regarding faculty development opportunities and college in-service sessions,
    as well as working with the vice president of Academic Affairs to make faculty aware
    of the latest trends in classroom research, innovative teaching strategies, and
    technological advancements to improve student success. The committee is chaired by
    the Pellissippi Academic Center for Excellence Director and consists of two faculty
    members from each academic department. Meetings are held monthly and at other
    times as needed.
  17. Faculty Senate
    Serves as the primary avenue for the effective participation of the faculty in the
    governance and development of the College; as the representative governing body of
    the faculty; as the means by which faculty establishes reciprocal communication with
    all segments of the College regarding college programs, policies, and procedures; as a
    setting for initiation, formulation, discussion, and recommendation of academic and
    related policies affecting the academic unit of the College. Assumes the responsibility
    to study, report, advise, and make recommendations to the president and through
    him/her to the Tennessee Board of Regents on matters of college policy and
    procedure in areas of primary concern.
  18. Faculty and Staff Sick Leave Bank Boards
    Appointed by the president to administer the Faculty and Staff Sick Leave Banks for
    those who have elected to participate.
  19. General Education Committee
    General Education is a standing committee charged with providing support and
    guidance on matters related to the General Education program, including curriculum,
    assessment, and compliance with Pellissippi State, Tennessee Board of Regents, and
    SACSCOC policies. Committee responsibilities include: review College policies and
    procedures regarding general education courses and recommend revisions; provide
    feedback, when requested, on TBR general education policies; review
    departmental/discipline assessment reports as scheduled, recommending revision
    and/or approval before submission; establish processes for new assessment proposals;
    review new assessment proposals and recommend changes when necessary; and
    establish and maintain resources regarding assessment and best practices/examples.
  20. General Education Strategy Committee
    The General Education Strategy Team (GEST) researches and recommends strategies
    to implement across the top ten highly enrolled courses at PSCC in hopes of
    narrowing existing equity gaps as part of the work of Achieving the Dream.
  21. Grievance Committee Hearing Pool
    Provides a prompt and fair hearing for any grievance subject to committee review in
    accordance with college procedure. Members will receive training on the college
    grievance procedure. Members are appointed by the president in consultation with the
    executive director of HR.
  22. Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC)
    The main goal of IACUC is similar to that of the Institutional Review Board (IRB). It
    is to provide guidance in research using vertebrate animals as subjects and ensure
    their humane treatment during research. There are five IACUC members: the IRB
    Chair, two IRB scientist members, an IRB external member, and an Animal
    Science/Animal Care Expert selected by the NBS Dean. The members review
    research proposals with animals as subjects and accept or reject such proposals.
  23. Institutional Effectiveness Committee
    This committee, formerly the Strategic Planning Committee, serves as the central planning
    committee for the overall effectiveness of the institution and the ongoing development and
    implementation of the College’s strategic plan. The committee is organized into eight working
    teams: Vision Team, Strategic Planning Team, Data Team, Community Team, Student
    Enrollment & Communication Team, Assessment Team, and Shared Learning Team. Full
    committee meetings alternate with individual team meetings. The committee reviews pertinent
    data and information, planning assumptions, issues, and input, and functions as a task force in
    approving planning goals, objectives, and institutional budget. All committee members are
    responsible for collecting input and sharing information within their assigned team, with the
    larger committee, and college-wide. Annual activities associated with this planning process
    include (1) developing or updating unit goals and objectives (by divisions, departments, and
    programs); (2) assessing the outcomes of activities for achievement of goals and objectives; (3)
    reporting on progress and achievements; (4) incorporating planning and progress information
    into performance appraisal, including setting of individual objectives; (5) allocating or
    reallocating resources based on assessment results/priorities; and (6) finalizing the strategic plan
    for the College. Composed of the president, vice presidents, assistant vice presidents, deans,
    executive directors, directors, presidents of Administrative and Support Councils and Faculty
    Senate, faculty and student representatives, and other stakeholders.
  24. Institutional Review Board (IRB)
    PSCC IRB reviews all proposals to conduct research at Pellissippi State or using Pellissippi
    State employees or students as subjects, unless the case for exemption from review is made by
    the researcher(s) and approved by the IRB chair. In addition, the PSCC administration may
    request that PSCC IRB provide input on certain research projects that are reviewed by the TBR
    IRB as specified in the TBR IRB Procedures in order to make decisions about participation in the
    proposed research project. PSCC IRB is registered with the Office for Human Research
    Protections of the US Department of Health and Human Services.
  25. Institutional Review Panel for the Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship
    Reviews appeals submitted by students who have lost their Tennessee Education
    Lottery Scholarship. Makes decisions regarding scholarship renewal based on the
    documentation provided by the student.
  26. Integration Committee/Core Team
    The Integration Committee leads the College’s efforts in implementing a fully
    integrated student experience at Pellissippi State. This work includes the development
    of guided pathways, the utilization of holistic student supports, the strengthening of
    the connections between academic affairs, student affairs, and workforce
    development, and the alignment of other strategic initiatives. The committee will
    report to the senior staff on a quarterly basis or more frequently if necessary.
  27. Instructional Development Committee
    Supports and monitors the instructional development process. Solicits proposals for
    classroom approaches aimed at closing equity gaps. Reviews new developments in
    education technology and provides information to the faculty concerning such
    developments. Promotes student retention through curriculum and instructional
    development. Report annually to senior staff.
  28. International Education Committee
    Develops, promotes, and supports international and/or intercultural initiatives at
    Pellissippi State. In addition, the IEC administers a robust scholarship program that
    supports study abroad programs offered through the Tennessee Consortium for
    International Studies (TnCIS).
  29. IT Steering Committee
    The IT Steering Committee will be the bridge addressing the IT concerns of the
    school to each Pellissippi division. The committee will serve as the core
    implementation team overseeing all planning, installations, and updates for the IT
    needs of the college. The committee will consist of one representative from each
    division, Internal Audit, one faculty member, and all IT directors/managers.
  30. Low Income Student Services Task Force The
    Low-Income Student Services Taskforce and Office of Institutional Effectiveness,
    Assessment, and Planning work together to increase low-income students’ access,
    support, and opportunities for success. This task force supports quality assurance
    funding for Tennessee Higher Education Commission. Key performance indicators
    include increasing the Pell grant recipient FTF retention from 43% (2020) to 50% by
    Fall 2024 (PSCC metrics), increasing the Pell grant recipient 3-year FTF graduation
    rate to 28% (most recent rate 23.9%) by 2024-25, and reducing the gap between 3-yr
    FTF graduation rate of Pell recipients and non-recipients to 7% or less (most recent
    gap 9.5%) by 2024-25.
  31. Online Learning Team The
    Online Leadership Team (OLT) serves as a recommending body to the College on
    matters related to online and other distance education courses including online
    student support and success, online faculty support and training, online education
    policies and procedures, and other areas pertaining to distance education that promote
    the mission of Pellissippi State Community College. The committee will be chaired
    by the Director of Distance Education (non-voting) and consist of one faculty
    member from each academic department as well as one representative from PACE
    and a staff member from the Distance Learning Department. Committee members
    will serve a term of at least three years. Meetings will be held monthly and at other
    times as needed. New committee members will be required to go through external
    online certification through Online Learning Consortium or another approved
    certification program.
  32. President’s Council
    Meets quarterly to review, revise and approve college policies. Provides IT
    governance and receives quarterly reports of IT activities and plans. Composed of the
    president, the vice presidents, the presidents of the Administrative and Support
    Councils and Faculty Senate, and a Student representative.
  33. Program Advisory Boards
    Assist the College with assessing current occupational needs within the community;
    review and recommend improvements in career program curricula, resources, and
    services available to support quality career programs; and serve as a link with the
    community to foster positive relations with business/industry and the general public.
    Membership lists are maintained by the department deans and the office of the vice
    president of Academic Affairs.
  34. Strategic Enrollment Planning Committee
    The purpose of this committee is to develop and manage the enrollment and retention
    plans for Pellissippi State. The committee is chaired by the Vice President of Student
  35. Student Disciplinary Hearing Body
    Sits as the College’s official body to consider the charges lodged against a student, to
    weigh the evidence presented, and to make decision(s) or recommendation(s)
    regarding the disposition of the case. The committee is composed of three faculty
    members, two staff members and two students. The faculty and staff members serve
    two-year terms. The students serve one-year terms. All members are appointed by the
    president. If any member of the Student Disciplinary Hearing Body is involved in a
    case presented to this group, he or she will be replaced by another member of his or
    her respective representative group. Should an appeal occur when classes are not in
    session and/or a committee member(s) is (are) not available to hear the appeal, the
    president will appoint an alternate committee member(s) on an ad hoc basis.
  36. Student Government Association
    Student Government Association (SGA) is a group of student leaders elected to
    represent the diverse student interests within the community of Pellissippi State
    Community College. SGA contributes to student success by mentoring, advocating
    for the student body, and facilitating engaging co-curricular activities and programs
    that promote learning and personal development. In addition to serving on college
    and TBR committees, SGA provides valuable partnership with the college
    administration regarding student issues and concerns. Annual report to the senior
  37. Support Staff Council
    Emphasizes and initiates opportunities for professional development; establishes a
    forum and support group to create an atmosphere in which work-related problems can
    be discussed and explored various councils/committees; initiates opportunities to
    become better informed relative to activities in all department/areas of the College;
    and reviews and makes recommendations to the president on policies or areas of
    concern affecting the support staff.
  38. Sustainable Campus Committee
    Administers the Sustainable Campus Fee and develops a decision-making structure to
    establish the amount of the fee to be used for the purchase of green power and on
    campus sustainability initiatives. The committee is composed of an appropriate ratio of students,
    faculty and staff. Committee members are appointed by the president.
  39. Technology Access Fee Committee
    Develops and monitors the three-year campus plan for expenditures of Technology
    Access Fees (TAF), in compliance with the TBR Guideline B-060 #VII Expenditure
    Guidelines for Technology Access Fee. Membership on this committee consists of
    three faculty members, one student, a representative from Student Life, a
    representative from the Business Office, and the vice president for Information
  40. University Parallel Assessment Committee The
    University Parallel Assessment Committee is a standing committee charged with
    providing support and guidance on matters related to assessment in non-General
    Education areas of University Parallel. The committee establishes and reviews
    processes for assessment for courses and sequences that are inside University Parallel
    but outside of General Education and Career Program curricula, represents and
    consults with faculty to advise on assessment matters, reviews University Parallel
    assessment reports, recommends revisions if necessary, and approves reports for final
    submission, and establishes and maintains University Parallel resources made
    available to faculty. The committee of at least 10 members should consist of faculty
    members representing the following academic disciplines: Associate of Science in
    Teaching, Associate of Fine Arts, Associate of Arts, English, Liberal Arts,
    Mathematics, Natural and Behavioral Sciences, Engineering and Media
    Technologies, Business and Computer Technologies, Library Services, and the
    General Education Committee Chair. Faculty members will serve three-year terms,
    which may be renewed. The Committee Chair, selected by the committee
    membership, will serve for a two-year term. Ex-Officio members of the committee
    include the Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs for University Parallel,
    Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs for Career Programs, Chair of the
    Curriculum Development Committee, Director of Curriculum, Director of Distance
    Education, Director of the Pellissippi Academic Center for Excellence, and Executive
    Director of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Assessment, and Planning.
  41. Wellness Committee
    The Wellness Committee is an institution-wide team who provides health, safety,
    and wellness education and programming, as well as coordinates and collaborates on events with
    campus and community partners to address holistic wellness topics. Our mission is to grow a
    healthier community and to strategically create a culture that embraces wellness in everything we
    do, including how we educate, engage, and serve our college community.


Approved: Executive Council, March 4, 1991
Approved: Executive Council, July 7, 1993
Approved: President Allen G. Edwards, September 9, 1997
Approved: President Allen G. Edwards, February 27, 2001
Approved: President Allen G. Edwards, August 27, 2001
Approved: President Allen G. Edwards, December 3, 2001
Approved: President Allen G. Edwards, April 1, 2002
Approved: President Allen G. Edwards, January 24, 2005
Editorial Changes, August 9, 2006
Reviewed/Recommended: President’s Staff, April 14, 2008
Approved: President Allen G. Edwards, April 14, 2008
Editorial Changes, May 12, 2008
Editorial Changes, May 21, 2009, July 1, 2009
Reviewed/Recommended: President’s Staff, October 11, 2010
Approved: President Allen G. Edwards, October 11, 2010
Reviewed/Recommended: President’s Staff, October 25, 2010
Approved: President Allen G. Edwards, October 25, 2010
Reviewed/Recommended: President’s Council, August 29, 2011
Approved: President L. Anthony Wise, August 29, 2011
Reviewed/Recommended: President’s Council October 31, 2011
Approved: President L. Anthony Wise, Jr. October 31, 2011
Reviewed Recommended: President’s Council, September 24, 2012
Approved: President L. Anthony Wise, Jr., September 24, 2012
Review/Recommended: President’s Council, April 27, 2015
Approved: President L. Anthony Wise, Jr., April 27, 2015
Reviewed/Recommended: President’s Council, March 6, 2017
Approved: President L. Anthony Wise, Jr., March 6, 2017
Editorial Changes: September 5, 2018
Editorial Changes October 16, 2018
Reviewed/Recommended: President’s Council, August 10, 2020
Approved: President L Anthony Wise Jr., August 10, 2020
Reviewed/Recommended: President’s Council, Sept. 14, 2020
Approved: President L. Anthony Wise Jr., Sept. 14, 2020
Reviewed/Recommended: President’s Council, November 28, 2022
Approved: President L. Anthony Wise Jr., November 28, 2022
Reviewed/Recommended: President’s Council, August 28, 2023
Approved: President L. Anthony Wise, Jr., August 28, 2023
Reviewed/Recommended: President’s Council, November 27, 2023
Approved: President L. Anthony Wise, Jr., November 27, 2023